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The Vanishing Gems -

Final Year Project


Project Scope & Mission Statement


Singapore is known to be a cosmopolitan country, which has very few traditional trades left running. There are not many people who are interested in these trades because they are not capitalising on their unique heritage and history to build on their brands.  

This project seeks to celebrate the people, crafts and services of the vanishing trades around Singapore. The project showcases different stages of the dying trades, where quite a number of ice-cream vendors can still be spotted around the city corners but has dwindled evidently and are only operated by the elderlies, there are only four roadside barbershops left running and the Kachang Puteh stall being the last one operating in front of Peace Centre. 

Introductory Video


The Introductory Video is a combination of video footages of the 3 trades. To allow the audiences to reminisces about them and understand all the hardships, history and culture value they have contributed to Singapore. Also to feel sympathy towards the fact of them being at the risk of vanishing.

Website -


This purpose of the website is to house all the deliverables together. The original domain link was It has now been changed to


The Homepage would automatically play the Introductory Video and declares the main objective of the project. 

Photo Gallery

Exhibits all the photos taken for each trade.



Photobooks, handcrafted pins and postcard sets are all available for purchase; however, customers would need to key in their information through “Contact Us” page to proceed the order. The purpose of the mementoes seeks to demonstrate different ways to celebrate the crafts, people and history of the trades. 

Contact Us 

Personal contact information is provided for visitors to reach out to if they feel interested in purchasing the mementoes or have any other inquiries in regards to the project.


This page is the highlighted part of the whole project, which prompts visitors to add hashtag “#thevanishinggems” onto the social posts (E.g. Photos being uploaded onto Facebook or Instagram.), hence locate themselves so that the map could be constantly updated.

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